📦someone's experiment


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It’s a package with someone’s experiment in it.

Open it, then continue his experimental process, complete the experiment.

Maybe in the process, you can find new experimental ideas and create more possibilities for experiments. I believe you will not be bored, although this is just a Frankenstein remark.😶

It’s not bad to have a look though, it won’t cost you much time.

You can create an experiment yourself after reading this and send it to the next you.


有关这个实验品的更多信息详见 关于这个实验品和我的知识管理流程

有关这个实验品搭建与疑问的更多信息详见 搭建Quartz时的小插曲

这个网站托管在GitHub,关于GitHub的更多信息详见 GitHub

相信你也已经看到右下角的小猫咪了,我个人认为还算可爱,它作为这个实验品网站的镇门神出现(是镇门神,不过,其实就也是个吉祥物,猫咪不是都被称作主子吗,当然要给它一个霸气点的称呼),关于镇门神的更多信息详见 镇门神



# main content:




🎃jokes (maybe dark humor)

There is no order, no structure, and you can wander around at will.

# a little hint

Feel free to browse, click on links to go to other pages.

